Key statistics

The table below provides some key statistics for Lancashire-12 and Lancashire-14.

Indicator Specific Lancashire-12 Lancashire-14


Mid-year estimate 2023

All age 1,270,162 1,570,373
0-19 287,989 364,244
20-64 714,342 885,935
65+ 267,831 320,194
Households - Census 2021   525,247 648,801
State pensions Persons 240,810 288,830
Area   2,894 sq km 3,066 sq km
Gross domestic product (GDP), balanced, 2022 (provisional) at current market prices   £37.142 bn £45.148 bn
Gross domestic product (GDP) per head, balanced, 2022 (provisional) at current basic prices   £29,639 £29,119
Gross value added (GVA), balanced, 2022 (provisional) at current basic prices   £32.577 bn £39.601 bn
Gross value added (GVA) per head, balanced, 2022 (provisional), at current basic prices   £25,996 £25,541
Active VAT/PAYE enterprises (at March 2024)   45,155 54,505
Dwellings   564,240 699,832
Vacant dwellings   18,216 23,966
Fuel poverty. 2022, numbers and (percentage) Households  78,157 (14.5%) 101,972 (15.3%)
Early years foundation stage - proportion of children achieving a good level of development   62.1% -
Key stage 2 - proportion or pupils achieving expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics   57% 57%
Key stage 4 - average attainment 8 score per pupil   47.6 -
Academic qualifications, to degree level or other higher qualification (aged 16-64) Persons 251,900 301,900
Life expectancy Males 78.3 -
Females 82.0 -
Healthy life expectancy Males 61.4 -
Females 64.0 -
All cause under 75 mortality (DSR) Persons 404.0 -
Cancer prevalence Persons - 4.0% (ICB area)
Cardiovascular disease prevalence (estimated) Persons 12.35% -
Diabetes prevalence (diagnosed) Persons 7.3% 7.2% (ICB area)
Diabetes prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed, estimated) Persons 8.9% -
Asthma prevalence Persons 7.4% 6.9% (ICB area)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevalence Persons 2.4% 2.5% (ICB area)
Road casualties KSI (adjusted) - 2022 Persons 865 1,078
Recorded crime (excluding fraud) - 2023/24 Crimes 93,171 129,406

 Page updated 4 October 2024