Evidence of Progress towards the Teachers' Standards

Evidence of Progress towards the Teachers' Standards

For schools with Lancashire as their appropriate body, the Assessment Framework gives a scenario-based framework for assessing ECTs against formatively and can be easily highlighted and dated within lesson observations, in review and assessment meetings, during a book scrutiny or within an ECTs classroom to form a broad picture throughout the induction period of the progress made by the ECT towards meeting the Teachers' Standards.

A copy of the Assessment Framework can be found here.

The Framework is intended to be a working document that is passed between and completed by both the ECT and Induction Tutor as the induction period progresses.

Prompts are provided for you to consider when assessing an ECT against the Standards, along with examples of the types of different evidence that an ECT can use, and space to identify targets for the next Induction period and the support that will be in place to enable ECTs to meet the Standards.
ECTs who are making good progress against the Standards should naturally be generating evidence towards the Teachers' Standards. ECTs who are struggling with their practice against the Standards or who are struggling to evidence the Standards should be directed to gathering evidence to share with their mentor in their one-to-one mentoring sessions or with their Induction Tutor in their review or assessment meetings.

The Assessment Framework identifies a range of pieces of evidence that it would be helpful for ECTs to have available in Review and Assessment Meetings. These might include:
• Lesson plans and Schemes of Work
• Marking, assessments and pupil work
• Records of marks
• Seating plans
• Examples of written reports to parents
• Extra-curricular activities that have been undertaken or contributed to
• Examples of participation in CPD

The final page of the Assessment Framework should be signed at the close of each assessment period by the Headteacher, ECT and Induction Tutor.

If an ECT has difficulties in meeting the Standards during their Induction Year and is supported by the Steering Group, we will expect to review the document in order to plan an appropriate package of support.

The Assessment Framework should be uploaded to the Documents area of ECT Manager at the end of each assessment period as this provides the evidence of progress towards the Teachers' Standards.

If an ECT leaves the school before completing their Induction Period, you will need to complete an Interim Assessment on ECT Manager. The Assessment Framework document should also be uploaded to ECT Manager so that this can be used to support the ECT with completion of their induction period in another organisation.