Education Improvement - Equality and Diversity Team

About Our Service

The Education Improvement–Equality and Diversity Team provides support to Lancashire schools, families and communities to enable pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds, particularly the most vulnerable, to fully embrace the educational opportunities available in Lancashire and achieve their potential.

Meet the Team

Want Support?

If you want to make an EAL referral:

To make a request for English as an Additional Language support from the service, please use our EAL Referral Form which can be found under 'EAL' on the Schools' Portal:

EAL Request for Support Form - Section 1 - Online Forms (

If you want support/advice for:

  • Finding school places for pupils from diverse communities including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils
  • Mentoring for children and young people in risk of exclusions
  • Support liaising and engaging with families from diverse communities
  • Supporting asylum seeker and refugee pupils
  • Equality in education

please complete this Enquiry Form and send it to




East Lancashire Learning and Information Exchange (ELLIE) Burnley

ELLIE Accrington              ELLIE Nelson

Central Lancashire Learning and Information Exchange (CELLIE) Preston

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