Further information and advice

A little bit of help

Arranging your own care

Getting our support

Caring for someone

A little bit of help



Luncheon clubs

Lancashire County Council may provide meals on wheels service for people who are unable to prepare or heat meals on their own. You will need to be eligible for a service and be assessed to see if you can get our support.

Maintaining your home

Arranging your own care

Funding your own care

  • Care Navigation Service - whether you buy support privately or we fund some or all of your care we can help by offering advice and guidance to suit your needs, at present we do not offer a vacancy management service. Updates to this will be coming soon.

Residential care options

Housing alternatives

Your local council has housing related information including:

  • Finding a home
  • Housing grants
  • Homeless help
  • Home maintenance

Find the contact details and website for your local council.

  • Gov.uk offers wider information around housing and local services
  • Age UK information about the different housing options and where to find out more about the sort of housing you may want to live in.
  • NHS Choices has good information on all housing types available for older and disabled people and carers.

Retirement homes and sheltered housing

Getting our support

If you think adult social care could support you, a family member or friend you can complete our referral form.

Short term support after illness, an operation or crisis

Caring for someone