Arranging your own care

If you prefer to make your own care arrangements privately, or you have been assessed and are not eligible for our support you can arrange and fund your own care.

If you are making decisions on behalf of someone else (external link) you need to be sure you have the right to do so.

When arranging care, don't assume that a residential care home will be the best way to support you or a loved one. Before deciding if a care home is the right choice you need to work out what your needs are.

Think about an ordinary day in your life and what points during the day you need help.

How are you at:

  • handling personal hygiene, bathing, and dressing
  • preparing and eating meals
  • managing with toilet needs and continence
  • getting around the house
  • managing housekeeping and laundry chores
  • taking medications as prescribed
  • managing money
  • using transport like a bus or car for short trips, to go shopping, or to run errands
  • responding to an emergency and getting out of the house quickly

If you are okay with all of these but you think you are starting to struggle you may just need a little bit of help.

If you need support with bathing and dressing or taking medication but want to remain in your own home, then care at home or buying equipment may be a better way of managing your needs.

If you feel living at home is no longer possible, you could look for alternative housing options:

  • sheltered housing schemes
  • housing associations
  • housing providers
  • private retirement home schemes

Find out more about housing alternatives.

If the above options are not appropriate and you answer no to most of the questions then a residential care home may be the best option for you.

If you think you, a family member or friend needs adult social care support and you/they haven't been previously assessed for our support  please see 'getting our support' information.