Fostering communities
Our fostering communities scheme creates small foster carer communities led by a local foster carer co-ordinator within local areas to offer peer support, informal babysitting and fostering expertise. This builds upon the formal support offered by us in addition to the mentoring scheme for applicants and newly approved foster carers.
This helps you, your family and your fostered children make links within the wider fostering network so that your support network is strengthened.
"I enjoyed being part of the fostering community, not only did it provide a group chat to talk things over, we also met up with our kids and took part in many activities. I still meet up with group members now for breakfast, it provides a very supportive environment."
Clare, foster carer.
Learn about our other benefits and support when you foster for Lancashire.
Get in touch
Make a difference to a child's life and foster for Lancashire.
If you'd prefer to speak to someone give us a call on:
0300 019 0200