Personal education plans (PEPs) guidance

9. Target setting

In relation to skills, knowledge, subject areas and experiences, the PEP should identify:

  • developmental needs (including any related to attachment and past trauma)
  • educational needs 

These should include:

  • SMART short-term targets, including progress monitoring of each of the areas identified against developmental and educational needs
  • SMART longer-term plans for educational targets and aspirations

These should, according to age and understanding, typically focus on:

  • public examinations
  • further and higher education
  • managing money and savings
  • work experience and career plans
  • aspirations

SMART targets

S Specific What is the observable difference/benefit we are expecting to see, as a result of intervention? i.e. in terms of learning, behaviour, language, social skills, etc.
M Measurable How will be know when the target has been achieved?
A Achievable Is this a target they are likely going to be able to achieve?
R Relevant Is it targeting identified gaps/developmental areas? Has it taken the child's voice into consideration?
T Time-bound What is the realistic time-period that this target can be achieved in

We have produced a helpful template to help you to formulate SMARTer targets:

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