Great Teaching
Welcome to the Great Teaching page. Here you will find guidance, resources and links to courses on the elements of generic teaching and learning strategies which make teaching great.
Meet the Team
Current Reads
Feb 2025 edition: 10 Wise Quotes on Teaching and Learning.
- Assess for success | Research Schools Network
- What the Great Teaching Team is Reading, Listening to and Watching
- Using ChatGPT in the classroom — Teaching with ChatGPT
How the marshmallow test could help students' learning | Tes
One Marshmallow or Two?
In this Article on TES, Alex Quigley looks at some insights from the famous marshmallow that can help pupils develop self-regulation.
Adaptive Teaching – The four verbs approach (
EEF blog: Clarity is king – reducing extraneous load | EEF (
Craig Barton gives some useful 'top tips' for effective use of Venn Diagrams in maths. This could be translated into other subject areas eg. Using Venn diagrams for comparing and contrasting different pieces of art/artists styles; comparing and contrasting in history/geography/English/RE etc - Venn Diagrams: 10 tips to supercharge them in the classroom (
EEF blog by Hannah Heron: Five teacher habits for a new school year. A useful starting point for schools seeking to develop powerful new teacher habits -
View our current range of Great Teaching courses. Check back regularly for new sessions.
NEW! Leading on Great Teaching - Package Offer
Watch Great Teaching Consultant Steph Johnson explain how the new 'Leading on Great Teaching Programme' can enhance teaching and learning in your school:
View the full package flyer.
Leading on SEND in Primary Schools - Package Offer
Leading on SEND in Primary Schools is a package of CPD for Headteachers and SENDcos to attend together. It will provide opportunities to reflect upon, and review, provision for SEND in their mainstream primary setting. In this short video, Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant, Steph Johnson, takes you through an overview of the programme, and the multiple benefits it offers.
View the Great Teaching Team's training range for academic year 2024/25:

Book your sessions early, as places are sure to fill fast.