Apply or renew a permit or licence for your business.

Moving abnormal loads

Information about transporting an abnormal load on the highway.

Firework licences

Apply for a firework licence.

Petroleum certificate and licence

If you operate a work place petrol filling station whereby petrol is stored in tanks which is pumped, either mechanically or electrically, directly into the fuel tank of an internal combustion engine, you will need a petroleum storage certificate.

Premises approval for marriages or civil ceremonies

To hold a civil ceremony or wedding at a premises in Lancashire, the premises must be approved.

Scaffolding and hoarding licence applications

Apply for a scaffolding licence.

Skip permits

Apply for a skip permit.

Disposal of trade and commercial waste

How to dispose of trade or commercial waste.

Sports ground safety certificate

For grounds that hold more than 10,000 people.

Street work permits

The council's street work permit scheme introduced to help minimise disruption from road and street works and activities.