Petroleum certificate and licence

The Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 require, under certain circumstances, anyone storing petrol to have a storage certificate or licence issued by their local Petroleum Enforcement Authority. In Lancashire, this is Lancashire County Council Trading Standards Service.

When a certificate is required

If you operate a petrol filling station then you will require a storage certificate.
A petrol filling station is a workplace having storage tanks for petrol and from which the petrol is pumped, either mechanically or electrically, into the fuel tank for an internal combustion engine, or into any container.
The requirement applies to both retail and non-retail petrol filling stations i.e. those that dispense petrol to the general public and those that only dispense petrol into their own vehicles, for example a farm or a car-hire business.
In addition, the storage of petrol at non-workplace premises (for example, at private homes, or at clubs/associations or similar) may need a licence to keep petrol. This will depend on individual circumstances including how it is being stored, in what quantity and the type of containers used.

Please contact us for further advice if you are unsure whether or not you need a storage certificate or a licence.

Further guidance on storing petrol

Applying for a certificate

Apply for a petroleum certificate

Alternatively, you can apply by post. Please contact us for an application form to be sent out to you or you can download the petroleum storage certificate application form (DOCX 61 KB).

The application must be submitted together with the appropriate fee.

A copy of a plan (scale 1:100) of the premises (including the location of the petrol storage) should be submitted to us prior to any building work taking place. Additional testing and manufacturing documentation will also be required prior to the application being considered. You are advised to contact us and speak to a Petroleum Officer us as early as possible for further guidance.

To apply for a licence to keep petrol, please contact us.

Prescribed material changes

If prescribed material changes are made at a petrol filling station then a new storage certificate must be issued. Details as to what constitutes a prescribed material change.

You will need to formally notify us at least 28 days in advance of the proposed changes. There is no fee associated with this.


The fee payable for a certificate depends on the quantity of petroleum being stored. The current fees (per year) are:

  • Not exceeding 2,500 litres: £46
  • Exceeding 2,500 litres but not exceeding 50,000 litres: £62
  • Exceeding 50,000 litres: £131

Fees are not refundable. Refunds cannot be given where trading ceases.

Issuing timescales

We will consider the application before issuing a certificate. We may have to conduct site visits and require the production of other documentation to ensure that storage requirements are being met.

Once we have received your application together with the correct fee and any necessary documentation and we are satisfied that the premise meets storage requirements, we will agree to issue the certificate. The certificate will be sent to you within 4 weeks of the decision being made.

You cannot assume that because you have not heard from us you will automatically have been granted the certificate.

Premises inspection

In order to ensure that the petroleum is being or will be stored safely and does not present a risk to the public or the environment, we may deem it necessary to inspect the premise before the certificate is issued.

If an application is turned down

You should contact us in the first instance. If the application is refused, then you may appeal to the Secretary of State. We can provide further guidance to you on request.


Lancashire County Council
Trading Standards Service
PO Box 100
County Hall

Telephone: 01772 533569
