16+ population from APS


The 16+ population estimates have been sourced from the Annual Population Survey (APS) published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS). The data is published quarterly, but each dataset covers a twelve month period, for example, from July 2015 to June 2016. The APS figures are used to derive denominators for labour market indicators such as employment, unemployment and economic inactivity.  

As at the year ending June 2016, the population aged 16 and over in the Lancashire-12 area (949,900 people) accounted for 80.5% of the Lancashire-14 area population aged 16 and over (1,180,100 persons).

The populations aged 16+ had grown by under half of the UK rate of increase of +10.1% within the Lancashire-12 area (+4.5%) and the Lancashire-14 area (+4.7%) between the year ending December 2004 and the year ending June 2016.  

Over the previous year it is estimated that the 16+ population has increased by 3,400 persons, or 0.3% in the Lancashire-14 area. Within the Lancashire-12-area, the 16+ population has risen by a marginally greater 0.4%, or 4,200 persons. By comparison, the UK population aged 16+ has risen by 0.7% (or 387,100 people) between the year ending June 2015 and the year ending June 2016, to reach 52,263,200 persons.

Page updated November 2016.