Care Leaver Forum

Care Leaver Forum is a participation group for young people who are care experienced, aged 17-24 years, from Lancashire or living in Lancashire.

Care Leaver Forum is run by Lancashire County Council's Targeted Youth Support - Participation Service.

This participation group is to have your voice heard, have the opportunity to influence decision-making and bring about change.

Join us and you can:

  • Join face-to-face and online sessions, to build on your confidence, communication, presentation and public speaking skills
  • Train in recruitment and selection to carry out interviews for job roles within Lancashire County Council such as social workers
  • Take part in Lancashire County Council’s Corporate Parenting Board to raise issues that are important to children in care and care leavers
  • Organise and attend the PROUD Awards and Care Leavers week
  • Plan and run yearly participation conferences
  • Create informative videos and resources for social care teams, and other care experienced children and young people, fostering residential and adoption services and beyond
  • Become a Young Advisor and feedback to children’s homes and other services for positive change
  • Take part in other activities such as life skills, cooking, art and crafts

We meet monthly across Lancashire both in person and online.

More information and advice

  • Care leavers local offer information about support in Lancashire for care leavers aged 16-25.
  • The FYP on Instagram (@the_fyp_Lancashire) for care experienced young people in Lancashire to keep up to date with news, events and entitlements – and a way to interact if you wish!


Contact April or Adam to find out more and join us.


April: 07929 724 815

Adam: 07977 273 904


Meetings are usually fortnightly, 5.30pm to 7.30pm at:

  • Whitecross Multi Room, Lancaster (Mondays)
  • County Hall Meeting Point, Preston (Wednesdays)
  • The Zone, Burnley (Thursdays)

please contact April or Adam to check the date and time before attending.
