Being in our care and leaving care

Coming into our care can be confusing at first and you're likely to have lots of questions.

It's never your fault and whilst you're in our care, everyone will do their best to make sure you're looked after in the best way possible.

Your social worker will visit you frequently to spent time with you, getting to know each other, listening and having fun. Your social worker will also ask to see you on your own so you can speak freely about any worries you may have.

You have a care plan that says how you'll be looked after including where you live, your health, your education and spending time with your family and friends.

The care plan is reviewed regularly in a CLA (Child Looked After) review. This meeting will always include you and is chaired by an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO). Your Independent Reviewing Officer will also visit you at times and you can speak with your Independent Reviewing Officer if you have any questions or are worried about the care and support we provide to you.

We arrange for you to have a health assessment once or twice a year where you have a chat with a doctor or nurse to help you stay healthy and your Personal Education Plan looks at how well you are doing in school, what you could do even better and what support you need. 

When you are 16 years old, your social worker will complete a needs assessment and a pathway plan with you and you will be allocated a personal advisor alongside your social worker. This is to identify and provide you with the support you need to live independently as a care leaver and young adult.

You can access general advice for young people and for young people in care at Lancashire's Youth Zone. Our care leavers local offer provides you with an overview of the services available to you when you are 16 years old or above including your financial rights and entitlements as a care leaver.

If you have any questions or worries about the care or support provided to you, you can always speak with your allocated social worker or personal advisor, their manager or ask a trusted person to do this on your behalf. You can also share your views via the mobile app Mind Of My Own.

If you would like to access support from an independent visitor or access support from an advocate, you can contact National Youth Advocacy Service or ask a trusted person to do this on your behalf.
