New 2022 contract for older people residential care and nursing home services

As you are aware, Lancashire County Council has been planning to issue updated contracts to all our commissioned care homes. As a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, this project was delayed. The council's priority over the last 18 months has been to support the care sector during what has been an unprecedented period of challenges and difficulties associated with the pandemic  - in particular for care homes – and to continue to operate and provide safe services.

Although Covid-19 is still will us, it is felt that we are now in a better position to progress key projects the Authority had initiated pre pandemic, one of which is the re-issue of the revised 'Contract for Older People Residential Care and Nursing Home Services'.

Submit your organisation's details

The deadline for providing your feedback on our new contract for older people and residential services has now passed (2 September 2022). However we still need specific information regarding your organisation/setting to be able to issue the new contract to you.

Please complete the survey to provide the information needed ignoring the feedback option. Any feedback which is submitted, we may not be able to consider during this first review phase due to late submission.

If we do not receive a completed entry from you in a timely manner we will not be able to issue a new agreement. This will potentially prevent us from commissioning new services with you in the new year.

Complete the survey

Contract documents

Please see below the full suite of documentation that constitutes the revised contract: