Parents and carers of children looked after (CLA) previously looked after children (PLAC) and children with a social worker (CWSW)

Information for parents and carers including foster carers, adoptive parents and those with children on a special guardianship order or child arrangement order.

All 3 and 4 year old children are entitled to 15 hours per week of funded early education for 38 weeks of the year. 

In addition working parents of 3 and 4 year olds may also be eligible for a further 15 hours of childcare, 30 hours funded childcare in total.

Funded childcare for 2 year olds

Children looked after, children who have left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order, or adoption order are eligible for funded childcare for 2 year olds.

Other parents and carers may be eligible if they are getting certain benefits.

Educational resources

View our list of educational resources to help your child learn and prepare them for school.

The Virtual School

The Virtual School plays a strategic role in ensuring we meet our corporate parenting responsibilities with regard to the education of children looked after.

The Virtual School Team supports people who work directly with children looked after and leaving care young people to develop joint working and raise educational attainments.

We work with schools, colleges, universities, nurseries, children's social care, health officials and the Corporate Parenting Board.

If you are a carer and would like advice, support and guidance relating to the education of children looked after, you can email:

Educational resources

View our list of educational resources to support with children and young people's education.

In school support

All schools have a staff member called a designated teacher who oversees the support for children looked after (CLA) and previously looked after children (PLAC).

You can ask to speak to the designated teacher to discuss your child's education.

Legal duties of schools

There are two important sets of statutory guidance which apply to Lancashire County Council (the local authority) and schools.

For more information see the GOV.UK website:

School admissions

Schools are asked to give all children looked after (CLA) and previously looked after children (PLAC) priority access to schools. You can find out more about how to apply for a school place in the schools section.

School attendance

Ask your child's school about support for emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA).

Exclusions from school

Education, employment and training

There is information for young people on the youthzone all about education, employment and training.

Education and careers advice for young people

We provide employment support for children looked after and care leavers up to 25 years old, helping them into education, employment and training opportunities. For more information email:

Children looked after (CLA) are children who are in the care of the local authority.

Foster carer support

For advice by phone, the Emergency Duty Team, guidance and other support, visit the fostering website.

Children are known as previously looked after if they have been placed straight from state care:

  • with adoptive parents;
  • on a special guardianship order; or
  • on a child arrangement order.

This includes children adopted from state care outside England and Wales.

State care is care provided by a public authority, a religious organisation, or any other organisation whose sole or main purpose is to benefit society.

Read our information for parents and guardians including Pupil Premium Plus funding and a suggested reading list.

Training for parents and carers of children looked after (CLA), previously looked after children (PLAC) and children with a social worker (CWSW).

Training for parents and carers

The special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local offer has information for children and young people with SEND and their families. You can also contact the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Team. The service is free, impartial, and confidential.

Pupil Premium Plus funding

Schools and early years providers, like nurseries and childminders, can claim funding to improve the quality of education for previously looked after children.

Childcare providers can claim Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) funding. They must be providing funded early education places.

Schools that have children who are previously looked after can claim the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG+).

This funding is from the from the Department for Education (DfE).

You can find out more about this on the previously looked after children page

The DFE also allocates funding to each local authority to provide PPG+ for children looked after of statutory school age. You can find out more about how we allocate this funding in our policy for the allocation of PPG+.

High Needs Funding (HNF)

All non-independent schools are eligible to apply for High Needs Funding (HNF) when the additional educational needs of children looked after (CLA) cannot be met and funded from the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG+).

HNF can be used towards appointing a teaching assistant for the pupil, 1:1 additional tuition, an educational psychology report or therapeutic intervention.

Children and young people from reception to year 11 are eligible for this funding.


You can make any compliments, comments and complaints about our service by email, post or phone.