National Insurance number (NINo) registrations, non-UK nationals


  • Data showed around 3,240 registrations in the Lancashire-12 area in 2020/21.
  • The number of registrations in Lancashire-14 was 4,340 in 2020/21.
  • India, for the second year running, was the main source of registrations for the Lancashire-12 area with 730 or 22.4% of the total.
  • Of the 730 registrations by Indian nationals, 610 were in the Preston City Council area.
  • Registrations were highest in Preston in 2020/21, with 1,240 registrations.
  • All districts experienced large decreases in the number of registrations compared to 2019/20, ranging from -50% to -72%.

We have included on this page six Microsoft Power BI slides. Figure 1, Table 1 and Figure 3 are also found in the "Further analysis" document, but in the slides they are interactive. Table 1 can be sorted according to values in any column by clicking on the column header. In Figure 3 the values can be read off for the corresponding bars by pointing at the bars. Figures 2.a and 2.b are slightly different versions of the map which appears as Figure 2 in the "Further analysis" document. Because the data made available by the Department for Work and Pensions has been suppressed in some instances, the Lancashire-12 totals and district totals are slightly different. Had the county and district figures been merged into a single data source for the map there would have been a danger that the figures could be double-counted. The maps are interactive, and zooming is possible. In Figure 2.b the map can be filtered by each district in turn, or by multiple districts. Figure 4 shows the same information in pie chart form.




 The Department for Work and Pensions have produced an interactive map of their own, relating to the year 2018/19.

Page updated June 2021