Inclusion fund


It is recognised that children develop and progress in different ways and at different rates and have different needs at different times. The Inclusion Fund should only be applied for when the setting has:

  • precisely identified a child's level of development and that this is delayed.
  • clearly identified the child's needs and identified appropriate outcomes to work towards to support the child to make progress.
  • implemented and reviewed the impact of appropriate approaches and strategies to support the child to make progress towards identified outcomes.

Settings should be clear about how the additional provision they are making for the child is above and beyond that which is ordinarily available within an early years setting and exceeds the expectations for reasonable adjustments.

To support settings in achieving the above, it is ordinarily expected that a 'Request for Involvement' from the Specialist Teaching Service, Early Years Team will have been made and advice/guidance implemented prior to any Fund B applications being submitted.

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