Inclusion fund


The majority of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) do not require specialist resources or enhanced levels of staffing to access and be included in their local early years setting. In their approach to the EYFS and in line with their duties under the Equality Act (2010), most early years settings are able to successfully include and address the needs of children with a wide range of SEND.

Building on existing good practice in early years settings, and as part of the graduated approach, the Inclusion Fund provides support to early years settings to address the needs of individual children who have emerging and identified special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and promote inclusion.

Sometimes a short term, targeted and measured intervention would support a child to make progress and improve outcomes. Where a sustained level of intervention is required and this is beyond the provision ordinarily available or expected within an early years setting, support may be available through the Inclusion Fund.

For the majority of children support through the Inclusion Fund will enable settings to effectively address their needs. However, for children with more severe or complex needs, especially those for whom specialist provision may be required, it is envisaged that a request for an Educational, Health and Care Needs Assessment will be made and where appropriate an Education Health and Care Plan may be issued. This is in line with the Early Years Entitlements: Local Authority Funding of Providers Operational Guide 2022-23:

"Local authorities should target SENIFs [Special Educational Needs Inclusion Funds] at children with lower level or emerging SEN. Children with more complex needs and those in receipt of an education, health and care plan (EHCP) continue to be eligible to receive funding via the high needs block of the DSG. " (5.3).  

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