Inclusion fund

Review arrangements

Following the implementation of identified interventions, practitioners should review the child's progress. Where money from the Inclusion Fund have been provided to the setting, the review should document and evidence:

  • How the funding, and any additional moneys available e.g. DAF, EYPP, have been used and the impact of this on the identified outcomes for the child/group

It is expected that some children will have had their needs effectively addressed, and that no further applications will be required. It is also acknowledged that for some children a period of ongoing intervention supported by the specialist teacher to consolidate progress may be needed, though this may not require ongoing Inclusion Fund support.

As part of a review of the child's progress e.g. TLP review, TAF meeting , where practitioners, supported by the assessments of the specialist teacher, identify that the child has needs which continue to meet the criteria for Fund B funding, requests for continuation of funding can be made.

Review forms and updated assessment/tracking information should be submitted to the Early Years Panel. The setting must:

  • Complete the Inclusion Fund Review form (DOCX 144 KB) 
  • Include supporting evidence identified on the Inclusion Fund Review form
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