Registering a ECT

Registering an ECT

Once an ECT has been appointed, the headteacher/principal must notify the appropriate body in advance of the ECT taking up post. Failure to do so may delay the start of the induction period.
For some Appropriate Bodies, you will need to register your ECT(s) using the ECT Manager system.

If you have used the ECT Manager system before, you will be able to log in to register your ECT.

Prior to induction

It is important that the following checks have been undertaken prior to induction:

• Occupational Health Checks

All ECTs should undergo a pre-employment health screening check. If a school buys into Lancashire County Council's Health & Safety package, then this check can be carried out through the Council's Occupational Health Service Provider Optima Health through their on-line system - If a school does not buy into the Health & Safety SLA, then they will need to make their own arrangements for an equivalent check to be undertaken.

• TRA Qualification Check

Schools should verify via the Teacher Regulation Agency that an ECT does hold Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) prior to the start date of induction. QTS Status is only awarded by an Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Provider once all QTS Skills Tests, assignments, examinations and teaching placements have been successfully completed and marked. Schools and ECTs should note that University ITT providers normally only award QTS Status at Examination Boards that are held at specified points across the year. This can, on occasion, lead to a delay in the award of QTS Status.

If an individual does not hold QTS then they are not an ECT and cannot commence Induction. Induction can only commence on or after the day that QTS is awarded.

When you register your ECT:

• Check that the TRA information is correct; the TRN, surname and DoB must exactly match what is registered with the TRA
• Identify the induction tutor and the ECF mentor; it is expected that these roles should be held by different individuals unless there are exceptional circumstances
• Select your chosen approach for the ECF programme delivery; if you are using a Funded Provider-Led Programme, please make sure you correctly identify your delivery partner.

Fidelity Checks

When you register your ECT(s), if you have indicated that you plan to use Option 2 or Option 3 for delivery of the ECF, your school will need to complete a fidelity check. Once registration is received, you will be contacted regarding this process. The fidelity check should take place before induction begins.