The Lancashire Behaviour Quality Mark (BQM)

What is the Behaviour Quality Mark?

The Lancashire Behaviour Quality Mark is designed to guide schools to reflect on, and review, the various aspects of behaviour across the school.  It also provides an opportunity to gain external accreditation regarding this.

There are two standards which can be achieved.:

Silver standard celebrates the journey of developing a positive whole school culture regarding behaviour

Gold standard celebrates consistent, embedded, and enhanced practice throughout school.   

The Quality Mark has been trialled and moderated in Lancashire schools and is fully cross referenced with Ofsted criteria (Sept 2022). Please note, this may change, and it is the school's responsibility to be aware of any changes.

What are the benefits?

Working towards the Lancashire Behaviour Quality Mark has a range of benefits:

  • It provides opportunity for schools to reflect on their current strengths and identify areas for development
  • It provides schools with external validation of their systems, procedures, practice and impact around management and expectations regarding behaviour
  • The accreditation process supports school self-evaluation processes.
  • The guidance can be used to gain initial accreditation and subsequently used as an audit tool to reflect on, develop, sustain, and enhance practice
  • Once a Gold accreditation is achieved, schools will have the opportunity to become a beacon school, supporting others in this crucial area of practice

What does the process involve?

Participating schools will be asked to provide evidence of their current practice against a set of assessment criteria for Silver and Gold standards.

The Quality Mark audits 8 key areas:

  1. School Culture
  2. Policy
  3. Relationships
  4. Curriculum and Learning
  5. Conduct (around school)
  6. Safety
  7. Inclusion, Pupil Support and Intervention
  8. Staff Support and Development

Each area contains criteria for gold and silver standard.



Assistant head teacher and behaviour lead from Cherryfold Primary school explains their experience of the support they have received being part of a cohort on the primary Behaviour Quality Mark.

How do we enrol on the Primary Behaviour Quality Mark?

There are currently 2 options for schools wishing to be accredited:

  1. The Cohort Model

This involves being part of a cohort which enables networking with other schools going through the process at the same time. Schools are provided with a full launch day where they receive information and training around different sections within the BQM. They will be allocated a moderator to support them through the accreditation process. Following the launch day schools will have access to a termly half day CPD; a 6 monthly on-line progress meeting and a 6 monthly support phone call from their moderator. Two places will be allocated on the training; one for the head teacher and one for the behaviour lead. It is envisaged the whole process will take between 1 to 2 years. Once schools feel they are ready for accreditation, a moderator will spend a whole day visiting the school and meeting with members of the school community.

  1. Fast Track Accreditation

This is for schools who feel they have met all the criteria and are ready to be accredited. Once schools feel they are ready for accreditation, a moderator will spend a whole day visiting the school and meeting with members of the school community.


For costs and details regarding enrolment for the Behaviour Quality Mark, please email:

Information on enrolment for the Secondary Behaviour Quality Mark coming soon.

Once schools feel they have met the standard, and have evidence to support this, an accreditation day will be arranged with a Lancashire BQM Moderator. Schools may wish to access training/support in the evidence gathering stage or with follow up actions. Schools wanting to move from silver to gold standard may decide to access additional support to secure this higher level of accreditation.

On the accreditation day, the BQM Moderator will look at the evidence provided against the audit criteria. This will also be validated by walkthroughs, observations and discussions around school at various times on the day of the visit (For example: lessons, break, lunchtimes and general transition times). A key element of the process will involve meeting with members of SLT, staff and pupils and other stakeholders/members of the school community.

Once achieved, the standard will be valid for three years.

Lancashire Primary Behaviour Audit Tool

The Lancashire Primary Behaviour Audit Tool has been introduced to support primary schools in the self-evaluation of behaviour. As with any audit tool, it will help in the identification of strengths and will highlight areas for development from which schools may wish to formulate an action plan.
The audit contains the same criteria as the Lancashire Behaviour Quality Mark, so that schools can then move on to register for a behaviour accreditation if they wish.

You can now access and download your Primary Behaviour Audit Tool for free.

Primary Lancashire Behaviour Quality Audit Tool

Lancashire Secondary Behaviour Audit Tool

The Lancashire Secondary Behaviour Audit Tool has been introduced to support secondary schools in the self-evaluation of behaviour. As with any audit tool, it will help in the identification of strengths and will highlight areas for development from which schools may wish to formulate an action plan.
The audit contains the same criteria as the Lancashire Behaviour Quality Mark, so that schools can then move on to register for a behaviour accreditation if they wish.

You can now access and download your Secondary Behaviour Audit Tool for free.