Local planning policy for minerals and waste

Local plan review and consultation

We are reviewing the adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plan (the adopted core strategy and the adopted Site allocation and development management policies local plan). 

A consultation on the scope of the review was carried out in November-December 2014; view the consultation outcomes report (PDF 468 KB). A consultation on the draft revised Local Plan was carried out in September-November 2018.

The development scheme and its local plan review timetable is now out of date. It is likely that a further consultation will take place in the winter 2023/24, prior to submission to the Secretary of State for examination in summer 2024. This will be confirmed when the development scheme is revised and published in the winter 2023/24.

The Minerals and Waste Local Plan for Lancashire contains the following documents:

The Core Strategy forms the basis for more detailed policies. Our Development Scheme sets out a project plan for the development of these policies.

The Minerals and Waste Development Plan for Lancashire is prepared jointly by Lancashire County Council and the two unitary authorities of Blackpool Council and Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. 

The production of this plan is guided and scrutinised by elected councillors:

Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out Lancashire County Council’s policy for involving the community in the preparation the Minerals and Waste Local Plan and planning applications. The current SCI was adopted in November 2015. The dates set out in the SCI adopted in 2015 are currently out of date, updates are available in the annual monitoring report at the bottom of this page, and a revised SCI will be published shortly.

Core strategy

It is the strategic document for future minerals and waste development in Lancashire until 2021. It sets out:

  • the vision, aims and objectives of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan
  • the principles by which development will progress over the planned period

It outlines the strategic policies required to deliver the vision.

It was adopted in March 2009 following extensive consultation and independent examination.

Site allocations and development control policies local plan

As part of our development scheme to support the delivery of the Core Strategy, we have created the Site Allocations and Development Control Policies Local Plan.

It is a combined document that:


  • specific locations for development complete with inset maps showing the detailed extent of site allocations and safeguarding areas
  • specific requirements for individual proposals
  • policies to ensure the development of the identified locations is done in line with the Core Strategy

Provides development management policies to cover

  • matters not covered in national policy
  • matters where local circumstances prevail

Site allocation and development management policies local plan part 1 (PDF 1MB)

Site allocation and development management policies local plan part 2 (PDF 8MB)

We have also produced a guidance note to assist in implementing policy M2 on mineral safeguarding. 

Guidance note on mineral safeguarding areas (PDF, 1MB)

Policies maps

The policies maps show

  • site allocations made through the local plan
  • areas where specific policies should apply (e.g. mineral consultation areas, designated sites or areas)

Policies map – site allocations (PDF 2.75MB)

Policies map - mineral safeguarding area (PDF 2.35MB)

You can also view site allocations and mineral safeguarding areas using MARIO - our interactive mapping facility. 

Development scheme for our planning policies

Our development scheme is a project plan for the development of the planning policy documents which make up our Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

It specifies which documents will be prepared and the timetable for their production. This will help you find out the key stages where you can get involved. For more detail read our full development scheme (PDF 318 KB).

Regular monitoring

We review the local plan regularly and produce an annual monitoring report (PDF 2 MB) to ensure planning policies are in line with the Core Strategy and attaining national targets and the targets of the local plan.

The local aggregate assessment (2023) (PDF 942 KB) contains an assessment of the forecast of demand, and analysis of the supply options and the balance between supply and demand.

The most recent local waste assessment (PDF 3.85 MB) contains an assessment of the need for, and capacity to manage, waste arising.