Have your say about a planning application

If you wish to object or to make any representation regarding a planning application, please do so in writing or email our details are: 

The Development Management Group,
PO Box 100
County Hall
PR1 0LD 

Email: devman@lancashire.gov.uk

You can also make a representation online by clicking on the 'Comment on this application' link when searching for a planning application through the online planning register.

As a local planning authority, Lancashire County Council collects, processes and stores personal information about you in order to administer and assess planning applications and to fulfil certain legal obligations with respect to planning. To find out more about how we process and store your data please refer to the county council's privacy notice for Development Management.

Any views you wish to make will be considered before a decision is taken. Find out more about how the decision is taken.

Speaking at the Development Control Committee

If you wish to speak at the committee meeting please complete the request to speak at the meeting of the Development Control Committee form.  

You should register as soon as possible before the meeting but in any event, by no later than 12 noon, 3 clear working days before the committee meeting. Please note that for major applications other timescales may apply.

Guide on how to give your views at the Development Control Committee

Please note:

We are not able to acknowledge receipt of representations, enter into correspondence regarding the application or notify you of the outcome of the decision.

The outcome of the decision will be available on our website within 5 working days of the date of decision.