SEN support

2. Assess-plan-do-review


The SENCO or other members of staff will assess and may observe your child to see if they have any additional needs.

They will assess need in the four areas of:

  1. Learning and cognition (thinking),
  2. Language and communication,
  3. Physical and sensory needs,
  4. Social and emotional needs and mental wellbeing.

Staff will talk to you about your child's needs; you can ask questions and for information so that you are clear about the support that may be needed.

If your child has additional needs, the next step is to make a plan for their support.  


Once your child’s needs have been identified, the support needed to help them to achieve will be agreed with you. These achievements are often referred to as outcomes. They will include educational outcomes and may also include outcomes about:

  • communication
  • social interaction
  • independence
  • developing interests
  • physical or mental health 

From the age of 14, outcomes to help a young person who is preparing for adulthood will also be included.

It is important that all the outcomes are aspirational, relevant and realistic.

To achieve the outcomes, activities and support will be agreed to meet shorter term targets.

These targets and the support  should be written into a plan called the SEN Support Plan. The plan will describe the activities, how often and where they will take place, such as  in a small group, in the classroom or out of class.

The plan must say when it will be reviewed. This is usually once a term, but can be more often if necessary.


The nursery, school or college will put the plan into action.


You will be involved in reviewing how well the support has helped with achieving the targets and outcomes.

If any changes are needed you will agree these with the staff.  Often children have made good progress and no longer need the support. Sometimes less progress than expected has been made and the support plan needs to be re-considered.

The assess, plan, do, review cycle can be repeated as many times as necessary.

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