Who is a care leaver?

When you leave care we will continue to support you. The level of support we give you depends on your age, when you were in care and for how long.

See the detailed criteria below or check the Coram Voice website to see what your legal status is and what you are entitled to.

If you are aged 16 or 17 and;

  • You are currently in the care of the local authority and;
  • You have been in the care of the local authority for a period of 13 weeks (or periods amounting to 13 weeks) which began after you reached 14 and must include at least 1 day whilst you were 16 or 17 years old.

You are an Eligible care leaver.

If you are 16 or 17 and;

  • You were previously an Eligible care leaver
  • You have left care

You are a Relevant care leaver.

A Relevant care leaver can include those that have been detained through the criminal justice system, (on remand or serving a sentence) or were detained in hospital on their 16th Birthday.

If you are:

  • 18-25 and were previously an Eligible or Relevant care leaver

You are a Former Relevant care leaver.

If at the age of 21 you're still being helped by Lancashire county Council with education or training then you'll remain a Former Relevant care leaver, at least until you are 25. If you are still in higher education after your 25th birthday then we will continue to support you until you complete the course.

If you are 16-21 and;

  • have been in care at some point after your 16th birthday for less than 13 weeks since the age of 14
  • have been privately fostered at any time after reaching the age of 16 but before reaching the age of 18
  • were in the care of the local authority prior to becoming subject to a Special Guardianship Order (SGO)

You are a Young person Qualifying for Advice and Assistance.

If you are a care leaver aged 21-24 you can request support from a leaving care personal adviser up to the age of 25. If you were in care/looked after by Lancashire County Council and need support then contact customer services on 0300 123 6720.

A personal adviser will then arrange to see you to complete an assessment of what support you need, this could be from the leaving care service or you maybe signposted to other services.

More information and advice

Follow the links above to find out more about the financial support you're entitled to depending on which criteria you meet. If you are an Eligible, Relevant, or Former Relevant care leaver, explore the care leavers local offer to find more detailed information about the support available to you.

Other organisations that provide information and advice:

  • Coram Voice - information about your rights and entitlements as a care leaver 
