Lancashire Learning for Life

I was blown away with the interest in Lancashire's new inclusive quality mark which will celebrate PSHE and Personal Development in schools.


There were lots of questions hitting my inbox and some were asked more than once so buckle in for a few of the FAQ answered here:

Is it just for Lancashire schools?

No! Any school is welcome to join, the more the merrier. We have called it the Lancashire Learning 4 Life Award because we are proud of our roots.

How can I find out more?

scan the QR code or visit

to register your interest and join the mailing list.

When will it begin and how long will it take?

We will be launching in September 2024 but we will be holding free briefings to find out more. It can take as long as you like and there are multiple accreditation routes because this is a 'one size fits you' model. Personal Development is so bespoke to each school, we want to help you celebrate what you do well and how you do it, not squish you into an ill-fitting box.


What does it cover?

The Award looks at six core themes which are then further split into sub-sections. The main themes are:

  • Living Safely
  • Our lives beyond school
  • An equal and diverse society
  • Our wellbeing
  • Our relationships
  • Being a responsible citizen

Who wrote it and why?

The rationale behind writing the award was to provide schools with the opportunity to celebrate all that they do to support their pupils beyond the academic. Often, schools are built on strong foundations that go beyond the statutory RHSE objectives and obligations and it can be difficult to capture this to share with stakeholders. The award supports school in being able to evidence the wonderful things they do to prepare their young people for the world and we felt that this should be championed. The award was written by a working party of teachers and PSHE/PD leads from different school settings (cross-phase), school advisors, members of the Lancashire Professional Development Service (LPDS), Family support workers, IT services and myself.

The project wouldn't have been possible without the commitment and support of everyone, so I wholeheartedly extend my thanks to each and every member of the group.

Is it just for Primary Schools?

Absolutely NOT! The rationale and ethos behind this award is 'one size fits you', helping you celebrate how you shape the citizens of the future and enable them to shine. With that in mind, the award has purposely had cross-phase involvement to ensure that it can be accessed by all school settings. We are already running a pilot of cross-phase settings including primary schools (both community and faith denominational), secondary, SEND provision and an AP setting. Our key driver for this award was inclusivity for all and therefore we have created themes that all schools can access.

If you have any other questions, get in touch and don't forget to join the mailing list for updates!