Adult social care

Find the right social care and how we can help.

Safeguarding children

Tell us if you are worried about a child.

Safeguarding adults

How to recognise and report suspected abuse of vulnerable adults.

Your health and wellbeing

Information on disease prevention and keeping healthy.

Living with a long-term condition

Helping you to remain independent and healthy if you have a long-term condition.

Living with a disability

Helping you to remain independent and healthy if you have a disability.

Help finding a job if you're disabled

Support to get into work or stay in work if you're disabled, have a long-term condition or mental health problems.

Benefits and financial help

Includes benefits information, challenges and appeals, Welfare Rights Service, help with essential household items and advice on managing your energy bills.

Suicide prevention and mental health training

Training courses, online training and other services that offer advice and support.

Strategy, policy and planning

Public health

Public health and wellbeing report, dementia strategy and spatial planning.

Health and care intelligence

Health, wellbeing, lifestyles and social care.