Lancashire SEND Plan 2021-2025

9. What the priorities mean

Improving the child or young person’s SEND Journey

Simplifying help and support, and describing that help and support in ways that makes it easy for people to know what the journey is for different categories of need, at different stages and in different situations.

Preparation for the adulthood that the child or young person and their family wants

Improving life chances through lifelong outcomes, starting with access to the same level of education as others, leading to education, employment and training that is specific to individual need.

Accessible services delivering what is needed, when it is needed

Thinking creatively to use limited resources to best effect, with transformation and redesign of services being key to ensuring consistent and effective service provision, delivered what is needed, when it is needed.

Listening and talking to each other

Co-production will happen at the individual level, service level and strategic level, listening and including the voice of the child or young person. The SEND offer is communicated in clear and accessible ways for individuals, groups, and the wider population, as well as for staff across services and sectors.

Take ownership of any mistakes and put them right at pace

All staff commit to being open and honest with families when something goes wrong, and working at pace to correct actions, whilst also learning from the situation to enable change and improvement.

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