Lancashire SEND Plan 2021-2025

11. The Lancashire promise

We want you to hold us to account for these ways of working, so this is our promise to you.

What do our promises mean?

Engagement and co-production

We co-produce with children, young people and their families as our default starting point. We listen, hear and understand each other, as well as giving and receiving meaningful updates.

Join up across sectors and services

We integrate services within and across sectors by working collaboratively to make best use of our resources, giving early, easy access in a system that is easy to understand and navigate.

Integrity and accountability

We build trust by doing what we say we will do, being accountable for what we do, and reporting through governance assurance on how well we work on SEND matters.

Continually improving

We continually improve what we do and how we do it so that we improve the lived experiences and life chances of children and young people with SEND.

Continually learning in partnership

We facilitate the learning of all partners to continually transform in relation to the SEND Plan, systems and ways of working, sharing good practice across our geographical area.



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