Lancashire SEND Plan 2021-2025

12. Turning priorities into action

The Lancashire SEND Plan describes what we need to do so that every child or young person with SEND experiences a good SEND offer. There is a lot of work to do, which is why we are giving ourselves the next 4 years to make a difference. The next steps are to turn the priorities into action, and this is how we will do that:

The SEND Plan is the framework around which all improvement and delivery activity is managed. Each sector of the partnership, and each service within the sectors is required to review and understand the plan in the context of its own gaps and improvement areas.

What does that mean?

Each sector and service will create its own action plans to work on over the next 4 years in the context of the 5 priority areas that people told us they want us to concentrate on.

A guide will be provided for the partnership to help cascade the SEND Plan and to turn the priorities into action. As there is much to do, there are three categories of work in the following priority order:

  • Must do’s – these are the things we must do to meet our statutory duties
  • Should do’s – these are the things we will do to improve the quality of what we deliver
  • Could do’s – these are the gold standards we will work towards through continuous improvement

What next?

In the first 12-18 months of working on the SEND Plan, the focus is on ensuring we deliver on the things we must do now, including reviewing our performance against our statutory duties and ensuring that we fulfil our commitments. This activity will be informed through an analysis of the SEND Data Dashboard on a quarterly basis, as well as through regular audits of regular audits of Education, Health and Care Plans.  Alongside this we will continue to improve the quality of what we deliver, and aim to work towards gold standards towards the end of the period of the plan.

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