SEND support survey feedback 2023

7. The local authority and EHC plans

You said the relationship with the local authority needed to improve along with timescales for an EHC plan.

  • Some families expressed that the local authority may not always follow the advice provided by external professionals.
  • A small number of respondents shared their disappointment that the local authority had not attended their child's annual review meetings.
  • Many parent carers shared that they have previously experienced increased waiting times during the EHC plan process, including waiting long periods of time for assessments, as well as experiencing delays with EHC plan amendments.
  • They shared experiences of local authority services being unable to adhere to timescales.
  • Several expressed a need for an increase in SEND training available throughout local authority services.

"I would like to say how precious and valuable the SENDIASS Service is to families and how supportive they were when I felt 'low'. At primary school, our son received very little help, until he was in Year 5 - when the teacher was marvellous; this was a turning point for us. During the intervening time of worry, the SENDIASS Team of Mary [RIP], Jill and Kevin was invaluable. It's a scary place, you need help, your child needs help, but very few professional step forward to help. Sadly, there are not enough resources in the SENDIASS Team. It is important to address this, to give parents a voice. Parents do not know what they are 'entitled' to and the advice provided by the SENDIASS Officers gives an important steer. There is no one else around who will offer this crucial advice and offer a friendly word of support at the same time. Thank you SENDIASS Team. You are amazing and your support and words of wisdom are priceless." (PC)

"'The Local Authority might listen to your views at annual review meeting, but then do the complete opposite." (PC)

"On the whole things are going well right now and I am excited about transition to High School. It would be very nice if my mum did not have to fight so hard to get me the support and services I need, and for my EHCP to be amended within the legal timeframe." (CYP)

"It has taken over 4yrs to get his EHCP updated" (PC)

"My child only has the support they need at school because school and I work together to ensure this, the local authority however, do not stick to legal time frames and make it difficult to secure support and funding." (PC)

What we have done and are working on….

The Inclusion Team has developed a recovery plan to improve timeliness of new EHC plan assessments. This includes increased training on quality and timeliness of advices from health, social care and educational psychologists.

We are aware there is a backlog in being able to process annual reviews.

The Inclusion helpline Tel: 01772 533900 is available for families to phone and speak to a member of the Inclusion team.

The Educational Psychology helpline Tel: 01772 530444 runs on Thursday 12.30pm-4.30pm (during term time) for families to seek advice regarding their children.

We actively listen to families views through the Lancashire Parent Carer Forum and POWAR.

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