Lancashire Parent Carer Forum

The Lancashire Parent Carer Forum is a group of parent carers or grandparents of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities aged (0-25 years).

They are volunteers who provide a voice to support Lancashire’s parent/carers and their families to create an independent forum.

They promote the parent voice through participation, sit on working groups, and attend meetings which represent parents and carers.

The PCF belongs to the larger organisation of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (external link).

Working together with partners

The forum works as equal partners with Lancashire County Council and NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) under the umbrella of the Lancashire SEND Partnership. The Lancashire Parent Carer Forum and SEND Partnership Protocol sets out how the parties will work together.

The forum also works alongside:

  • education settings including all early years, special and mainstream schools and colleges
  • health services from a range of health providers
  • community, faith, volunteer groups and charities who provide services and support for the families of Lancashire


Please email for more information or visit the Lancashire Parent Carer Forum Facebook page and Lancashire Parent Carer Forum website .