Starting primary school (reception)

Information for parents about applying for reception places for September 2025.

18. Getting ready to start school

Starting school is a big moment for children (and you) - and it can be both an exciting and nervous time. There is so much information to absorb and lots of things to remember.

It will help your child if they can do things on their own, like putting on their coat, and can explain what they need to a grown up.

We've got some tips for parents and carers to help you help your child get ready to start school.

These tips include ideas to encourage your child to learn the skills that will help them when they start school. There's also some information about where to get help if you need it.

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Apply online for a school place

Applications for school places for September 2025 open on 1 September 2024.

Apply online

The deadline to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is 15 January 2025. Any applications received after the deadline will be classed as late.