Inclusion and Engagement Support Team: SEN Support

A team to provide support for young people with additional or unmet needs including SEMH in mainstream settings.

We provide direct support to children and young people on the SEN register (without an EHCP) who are struggling to engage with their learning due to a range of needs including social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

We will provide consultation advice, joint working with multi agencies, observations, action plans, direct work with staff and pupils, training and support through our staged model of support.

This is a free service for all settings via referral directly from school only, along with parental consent.

Stages following referral

  1. Telephone or video conferencing call following referral.
  2. Inclusion teacher visit to setting and observation.
  3. Action plan between school and inclusion teacher.
  4. Review and next steps.
  5. Learning mentor direct work with child or young person and review.

Make a referral

Please complete theĀ Inclusion and Engagement SEN Support Team referral form (DOCX 175 KB) and send to

You will also need to download the Inclusion and Engagement Support Team parental consent form (DOCX 82 KB).

Do not send a referral without signed parental consent. This is a data breach, and the referral will not be actioned.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our service please email:

Please note we cannot discuss individual cases prior to referrals being accepted and an inclusion teacher being allocated.