Annual reviews
EHC plan annual review forms and guidance for professionals.
6. Health practitioner process
- Clinical team receive annual review list from educational setting at the beginning of each term.
- Clinical team log provisional annual review dates on annual review datasheet or alternative.
- Practitioner plans in and offers review appointment for CYP if clinically appropriate, to discuss current outcomes and progress towards these with CYP and family.
- Email from educational setting with annual review date (12 weeks prior) and requests for a health report on the annual review form (health). Email to include blank annual review (health) form, guidance document, current copy of EHCP and the previous year's annual review summary report. Annual review datasheet updated by health team.
- Practitioner reviews existing outcomes, writes report, discusses with CYP and family, and returns to the setting within 6 weeks of the request and at least 2 weeks before the meeting.
- Practitioner responds to meeting invitation.
- Practitioner attends review (virtual or in person) at their own discretion dependant on clinical need of CYP.
- Review summary or minutes of the meeting, and revised EHCP if appropriate, received from the setting within 6 weeks of the annual review meeting.
It is strongly recommended that clinical teams keep records of data for ECHP annual reviews for monitoring and data collection purposes. Each organisation will determine their own process.
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