EYFS Improving Outcomes for Young Children How Effective is Your Continuous Provision in the Reception Class?

Suitable for: Teachers, ECTs

Course code Keystages Presented by
EAY103 Foundation
  • Catharine Cummins (Teaching and Learning Consultant - Early Years)

The course will:
- identify the key elements to providing effective continuous provision throughout the reception year;
- provide opportunities & tools for practitioners to reflect on and evaluate their own provision to support learning and development;
- identify key learning – skills, concepts and knowledge across the 7 areas of learning and support practitioners to plan for next steps as appropriate to needs and interests;
- provide a range of strategies to support effective teaching and learning including the role of the adult, questioning, purposeful enhancements; and
- provide practitioners with ideas of how to deliver appropriate activities to ensure children make good progress towards the expected ELG’s.

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