Understanding Primary School Data 2024 (A guide to the 2023/2024 data, The IDSR, ASP, LSIP)

Suitable for: Headteacher, Subject Leaders, Teachers, Assessment Leads

Course code Keystages Presented by
ASS114 Foundation; KS1; KS2
  • Mike Thompson (Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator)
  • Elaine Williams (Assessment Consultant)

- To inform School Leaders about the 2023/2024 data provided by the Department For Education.
- To explain the content of the data.
- To consider how these charts/tables/graphs can best be used in informing school self-evaluation.
- To consider the impact of the pandemic on children and moving forward.

YOU WILL NEED TO BRING HARD COPIES OF YOUR IDSR, ASP and LSIP (IF APPLICABLE). Please feel free to bring any other additional data sources that you use.

The Inspection dashboard will be updated and released in autumn to reflect the results of statutory assessment for your school from the 2023/24 Academic Year. It is a website used to identify strengths and areas for development for your school. OFSTED have access to this document and use it as part of the School Inspection process.

This detailed course will provide an overview and reminder of the data including how to analyse and interpret it, identifying strengths and areas for development. It will also look at performance of groups and the impact this has on School improvement planning. We will also consider and interpret the progress measures and look carefully at the key messages from the Primary Accountability document.

During the session participants will have the opportunity to interrogate their own report and consider the implications. We will consider how the data sources can be used to have an impact on the curriculum and children in your school as we move forward.

We will look at exactly what the data means to you as a school and what this means in terms of school improvement. Consideration will be given to key questions that you may be asked in Governor meetings.

A separate session for School Governors is being run under course code GOV123

In addition, bespoke sessions can be booked for your school/Governing Body/Cluster by emailing LPDS@Lancashire.gov.uk

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