Find a councillor

Find a county councillor by name, postcode or area.

Complaints about a county councillor

How to complain about a county councillor.

Councillor allowances

Details of allowances, payments made to county councillors and Independent Remuneration Panel reports.

County councillors' register of interests

All county councillors and voting co-opted members have to register certain financial and other interests they have.

Appointments to outside bodies

Representatives of the council appointed to outside organisations which have an impact on our service areas in order to facilitate joint working.


Election and by-elections results and how to register to vote.

Honorary Aldermen

Former county councillors awarded the title of Honorary Alderman.

Members of Parliament and MEPs

Details regarding MPs and MEPs.

Council champions

Details of council champions and how to apply for a champions grant.

Our Chairman

Meet Councillor Tim Ashton, Chairman of the county council.