Lancaster Girls' Grammar School

Postal address Regent Street
Telephone 01524 581661
Headteacher Mr C Beard
Number on roll January 2023 1007
Admission number 2024/25 145

Information relating to autumn term 2023 year 7 admissions

Total parental preferences (considered equally)

1st 174
2nd 55
3rd 52
Total preferences received 281

This is an academy – please contact the academy for full admission details. To apply for a place at this school, please apply online and use the supplementary information form available from the school.

Summary of policy

Admission of Pupils

Admission to the Main School is based entirely on academic ability, demonstrated in the entrance test. Places are determined by the applicant's performance in the entrance test, against other applicants who participate in the same entrance test. The required standard will be set once applicants have sat the test and places will be allocated to those who achieve the required standard.


Should the School find itself in the situation whereby it has more applicants who achieve the required standard in the entrance test than the number of places available, the admission authority will revert to the School's admission oversubscription criteria and will rank applicants according to criteria below:

1st Priority: to applicants who permanently live within the city of Lancaster as determined by the district map at the time of application and are 'looked after children' or 'previously looked after children' or internationally adopted previously looked after children. This includes children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and have ceased to be in state care due to being adopted. 

2nd Priority: to applicants who permanently live within the city of Lancaster at the time of application and who are eligible for the Pupil Premium.

3rd Priority: to applicants who permanently live within the city of Lancaster.

4th Priority:  all other applicants who live outside the city of Lancaster who achieve the required standard*.

* Should there be more applications from applicants outside of the city of Lancaster than places remaining, priority will firstly, be given to looked after children or previously looked after children, and secondly to children who are eligible for the Pupil Premium. Only after such children have been placed will other children be offered a place, ranked according to test results.

Tie break

Where the situation arises whereby the School cannot decide between two applicants (whom cannot otherwise be separated by the oversubscription criteria) distance from the front door of the applicant's home to the School's main entrance will be used as the determining factor. A computerised measuring device is used to carry out the measurement.

Selection tests

Each applicant must sit 3 multiple choice tests in: English, Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning. The score of each test will be calculated together to determine an overall score.

Registration for entrance test

Parents must register their child for the entrance test by returning the Registration Form and returning a copy to the School.

The closing date for 2024 registration is noon on Friday 15 September 2023.

Entrance test date

The entrance test will be conducted on Saturday 30 September 2023.


Please see the main school admissions section.

Parents in any doubt over the distance between home and school for the provision of transport are asked to check with their local area education office. This may be particularly relevant if you live close to a county border.