Bishop Martin Church of England Primary School, Skelmersdale

Postal address Birkrig
Telephone 01695 724730
Headteacher Mr I J McDonald
Number on roll January 2023 223
Admission number 2024/25 30

Summary of policy

This is a voluntary aided school – please contact the school for full admission details. To apply for a place at this school, please apply online and use the supplementary information form available from the school.

The Governors have agreed upon the following criteria for admission to the school, in order of priority, in the event that there are more applicants than places. 

  1. Children in public care and previously looked after children, including IAPLAC.
  2. Children with special medical or social circumstances affecting the child where these needs can only be met at this school.
  3. As the school is a Church of England foundation, preference will be given to children whose parents are committed church members and are regularly involved with the life and work of Christ the Servant Church. A letter of support may be required.*
  4. Brothers and sisters already attending Bishop Martin C of E Primary School and who will still be in school at the time of admission.
  5. Children of parents who are regularly involved with the life and work of another Church of England parish. A letter of support from their church may be required. *
  6. Children of parents not of the Anglican faith who are genuinely seeking Christian education. A letter of support will be required from their church.
  7. Distance from home to school.

* Note: Criteria 3 and 5 - Parental involvement is normally taken to mean a minimum of monthly attendance at church and active involvement in church activities.

Where necessary to decide between applicants of otherwise equal priority, either within or following the application criteria, then the distance from home to school will be used.  This means that priority will be given to applicants living closest to the school using the shortest walking distance i.e. from the child’s home front door to the main school gates in Birkrig by the safest walking route. In the event of a tied distance measurement between address points the Local Authority's system of a random draw will determine which address(es) receive the offer(s).


Definitions of the following terms are available and apply except where individual arrangements spell out a different definition.

  • Distance
  • Parents / family members
  • Medical/social/welfare
  • Looked after children and previously looked after children