Business travel plans

Travel plans are a long-term management strategy with a package of measures that focus on how we get around. They aim to encourage sustainable travel and reduce reliance on cars, especially single occupancy car use.

Effective travel plans can have a positive impact on air quality, reduce carbon emissions, enhance accessibility, and contribute to our economy by reducing congestion. Business travel plans can have financial benefits by reducing operational costs and creating added value.

Development and travel plans

As the Local Highways Authority, Lancashire County Council comments on planning applications. A travel plan is requested for any planning application where the development will generate significant amount of movement. We do this as part of our commitment to support sustainable development, in line with national planning policy.

Depending on the scale and type of development proposed, Lancashire County Council may request a travel plan contribution, through a S106 agreement.

Other services

We can provide travel plan support at all stages in the lifetime of a development, and can discuss what support you would like to make your travel plan successful.

Pre-application support

Lancashire County Council Highways' pre-application advice service includes guidance on travel plans, in addition to advice on how your proposal may impact the highway network and any other issues that could potentially affect your planning application.

Contacting travel plan support

You can contact travel plan support via email at