Dealing with allegations - FC0067

This course is for Foster Carers, Supervising Social Workers and Social Workers from the Adoption Service

Please note that the courses will be hosted as a virtual classroom session. Learners enrolling for these sessions will need their own laptop/PC or smart device to log on to the session


Provides foster carers with factual information about the allegations process and enables the carers to create a checklist of how to be prepared and how to protect themselves.


At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Undertake a general review of allegations made against foster carers to provide perspective, to identify the differences between complaints, causes for concern, allegations and to discuss why allegations are made.
  • State clearly what happens at Lancashire County Council when an allegation is made and details of the National Minimum Standards 2011 as they relate to allegations.
  • Consider the key activities foster carers can undertake to help protect themselves as much as possible.


MW Foster Care Training.

Delivery Dates & Venue

Click on the link below to view all available dates & venues

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