Parish and Town Council Charter

Better working between Lancashire County Council and parish and town councils

The Parish and Town Council Charter 2022-2024 sets out the relationship between Lancashire County Council and parish and town councils in Lancashire. It has been revised, in conjunction with the parish and town councils, and sets out how we aim to work effectively together for the benefit of local people, whilst recognising our respective responsibilities as autonomous democratically elected, statutory bodies.

The charter is the result of experience and local consultation about establishing better ways of working and to confirm existing good practice. The document is not a service level agreement, nor does it specify key performance indicators or list target response times as these will vary from service to service and the severity of the issue raised. It is intended as a high-level framework for better working between Lancashire County Council and the parish and town councils across Lancashire.

The charter was endorsed at the Parish and Town Council Conference in March 2022 and ratified by Lancashire County Council Cabinet in May 2022. Parish and town councils are also requested to give consideration to discussing and, if appropriate, ratifying the charter.

The Parish and Town Council Charter 2022-2024 (PDF 857 KB)