100 year old independent firms

If you would like to contact us about any 100+ year old independently owned Lancashire companies that could be added to these lists, please email Insight@lancashire.gov.uk


"In the future as in the past we shall do our best to continue, in spite of the difficult period we are all passing through, to give an unrivalled service."

Part of a 1951 advert for one of the long-established independent Lancashire firms that has traded through two world wars, the 1930s depression, the post war austerity years and today continues to exist as one of the 100+ year old independent Lancashire businesses listed in this article. The type of 'Vision' statement that represented an attitude that was appropriate for the time; an honest approach that was good enough to ensure many years of profitable trading, one that may have seemed out-dated during the prosperous years that followed, but is now very fitting as a #hashtag for the current crisis.

The overall aim of this article is to highlight as many as possible of the large number of independent and predominantly family-owned Lancashire companies that have been trading for over 100 years.

Further analysis

One hundred year old firms (PDF 506 KB)

Page updated 19 April 2023