Reasons you'll love being a social worker in Lancashire

The social worker teams within Lancashire County Council are geared around team working and supporting each other through the everyday cases. 

All of our social workers support and look after each other to ensure their colleagues are happy and comfortable. It is a welcoming sector and embodies the values that we pride ourselves in as part of Lancashire County Council.

Within Lancashire County Council there are many different ways of progressing in your job role that could possibly lead to promotion.

There are academies to enhance your skills and knowledge and also there is the ASYE (Assessed and Supported Year Employment) which is to build your confidence and experience. This all contributes towards working your way up in your career.

All management ensure staff are happy, have an appropriate work life balance and are confident in their role.

With this being a demanding and emotionally charged job it is important to have time to reflect and be able to off load. 

Reflective Supervision will enable you to discuss your cases, any concerns and feelings you may have.


Being a social worker, all work that you are required to undertake will always make a difference.

Although some cases may be difficult and no two are the same, being a social worker enables you to benefit the lives of children. You are giving them a fresh start and a new life and without you they would not have that opportunity. Making a difference to a child's life in this way is one of the most important and special things you could ever do.

When working alongside families to help them improve their day to day lives and relationships you will be working on building trust and communication. By them allowing you to be part of their lives you will be building relationships with them and their children. As time progresses this will grow into something positive and rewarding for all parties and you will be able to see the development and the impact your help has made.

There are many different services surrounding support for children and young people one of which being the youth offending service. Some young people may have taken the wrong path in life and need help to turn it all around. Social Workers play a huge part in this and give the opportunities and support for them to be able to make a positive change and improve their lives.

This feeling is attributed to the pride you take in your work and difference you are making within the community. The families are allowing you into their home, their lives and their personal circumstances, to build that level of trust and communication is an honour and privilege that you will have earned.

Sometimes you will be the first point of contact for particular circumstances to the point where you have to drop everything and help your families. There is always a level of trust from the beginning of your journey with these people, however they will rely on your support and guidance in the most difficult of times. This is a testimony to you as a social worker and it is a privilege to have built this level of trust.

We know that ensuring social workers do not have more work than they can manage is important to ensuring the quality of work.

We want you to be able to pay attention to detail in all caseloads and aspects of your work.

Therefore, with support of senior staff we ensure that caseloads are manageable and social workers are not overloaded with work.

Management endeavour to make sure stress is kept to a minimum and work is of an excellent standard. It is important in this line of work that you're supported and able to separate working life and personal life.