Hear from our social workers

We asked some of our social workers why they joined the profession and what motivates them.

"I've always seen the best in people or at least their potential so I knew I could use that to build relationships that give a family the chance to feel supported and motivated to make positive change."

"Knowing that there are many children suffering from significant abuse who are unable to independently keep themselves safe motivates me to do the best I can to identify and help them."

"Turning on my phone on a Monday morning to find that foster carers have sent me through pictures of the children living life to the fullest over the weekends with huge smiling faces reinforces that we are doing a great job and keeps me motivated." – Jo Edge

"On my tougher days, I remember the trust my children have put in me and how far we have come together."

"Growing up there wasn’t a lot of Asian women in the profession- I was determined to get a good education and become a role model. I feel that I can relate to my children due to struggles of education and lack of support." – Azra Akhtar

"The main reason as to why I am so passionate about the social work industry with children is my dad having had a negative upbringing in the care system. This has had a huge impact on him and his life today, so I am aware of how essential it is to have a supportive social worker who is committed to the job role and in making a difference."

"Direct work with children, making that connection and seeing the benefit from direct work."

What was your best day?

"Receiving a text from a young person who had turned 18 thanking me for being in her life."

"Moving a two-year-old little girl back to her family and seeing her reaction to her new room with her aunt and uncle."

"When I moved a child into foster care after searching for a home for such a long time."

"Being invited to a child looked after review 5 years after taking two children into care; the plan was for them to return to their mother's care - it was amazing to see the progress mum had made."

"Providing extensive support and investing heavily with the family to ensure a child didn't come into care."

"Being able to reunite a large sibling group who have not seen each other for many years and support them to re-establish their sibling relationships – that was my best day!"