Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs)
We have ambitious plans to increase active travel and make Lancashire a place where cycling and walking is easily accessible, safe to use, attractive and well maintained. By building an infrastructure that makes it easier for people to travel on foot or by cycle, we can make walking and cycling a practical choice as well as a healthy and sustainable one.
Working in partnership with Blackpool Council we have developed Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans, for our future cycling and walking networks for each area of the county.
Our plans for Lancashire
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) are a new, strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements.
The plans will enable a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks and show our vision to create safer, greener and healthier travel opportunities.
Our plans are available to view below:
- LCWIP executive summary report PDF 7.32 MB
- Burnley and Pendle PDF 12.94 MB
- Fylde Coast PDF 23.62 MB
- Hyndburn and Rossendale PDF 6.53 MB
- Lancaster PDF 5.76 MB
- Ribble Valley PDF 9.94 MB
- West Lancashire PDF 15.32 MB
How we got to this stage
Our LCWIPs were developed in line with the Department for Transport's Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy and their supporting Technical Guidance for Local Authorities (2017).
LCWIPs can be used as an evidence base to introduce long-term, fit for purpose cycling and walking schemes. A key aspect in their production is a document that has undergone full public and wider stakeholder engagement.
We have carried out two phases of public engagements, the first to help us understand what you think of our existing network, barriers to walking and cycling, and suggestions for new or improved routes and facilities. We then used this feedback to help us develop a draft active travel network plan for Lancashire and asked for further feedback.
- LCWIP engagement stage 1 summary report PDF 613 KB
Next steps
As well as engaging with local communities, we will liaise with each of the district authorities to ensure their input and support for the plans. Additional design and feasibility work will be needed to take any of the proposed schemes forward. Over the coming years we will use the plans to assist in securing funding for delivery, and will carry out the delivery of improvements for successful schemes.
Further information
Lancashire cycling and walking strategy (PDF 1MB)