Champion for disabled people


To assist the Leader and appropriate Cabinet Members by advising on service issues which support and encourage active, independent and healthy lives for disabled people and to raise the profile of disabled people and their needs in the development of policy across Directorates.


January was a very busy month, as I attended as many meetings and events as I could, with the aim being to better the lives of disabled people across Lancashire.

I attended a meeting of the Visually Impaired Forum at the start of the month after there were concerns over The Street Charter, and I am pleased to say that a member of our Highways team are addressing the issues raised.

As well as attending several meetings and events to discuss ways to improve facilities for disabled people in a more general sense, for example leisure facilities in Hyndburn, I revisited Team Rise in Burnley. In my previous visit, discussions were ongoing to produce a pantomime featuring young people with autism. The enjoyment displayed, and clear increase in self-confidence from the young people involved was so heart-warming, and long may it continue!

My final visit of the month was to a sheltered house complex, amid concerns and complaints made by some of its disabled residence regarding facilities being broken or damaged, such as lifts etc. I have been in contact with the appropriate contact to get this sorted as soon as possible.