Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board

This section contains the following information about the Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board:


a) To achieve the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes and reduce health inequalities in Lancashire.

b) The Health and Wellbeing Board members recognise shared values as the foundation of a strong partnership and through trust, openness, equality and fairness will ensure a strong and sustainable partnership that delivers improved health and wellbeing outcomes and reduce health inequalities in Lancashire:

(i) Trust – to have confidence in the integrity and ability of all partner organisations working collaboratively through the Health and Wellbeing Board.

(ii) Openness – demonstrating transparency and openness between partners in how decisions are made and in sharing activities, plans and ambitions.

(iii) Equality – each partner organisation/sector has an equal standing within the Health and Wellbeing Board.

(iv) Fairness – commitment throughout the Health and Wellbeing Board that the behaviour and actions of partners is equitable, impartial and objective.

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a) The Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board shall comprise the following:

(i) Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Chair)

(ii) Executive Leader or their nominated representative*

(iii) Lead Member for Health

(iv) Executive Director of Adult Services*

(v) Executive Director of Education and Children's Services*

(vi) Director of Public Health*

(vii) One member (Chair, CEO or Executive Director) nominated by NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board*

(viii) Three District councillors (one from each of the sub areas of Lancashire) nominated by the Lancashire Leaders Group

(ix) One District Council Chief Executive nominated by the Lancashire Chief Executives Group

(x) Chair of Healthwatch or their nominated representative*

(xi) A representative from the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector.

* Members marked with an asterisk are statutory members who must be on the Board to meet the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

b) The quorum at a meeting of the Board shall be a quarter of the whole number of voting members of the Board with at least one Cabinet Member being present.

c) All Board members to have one vote each.

d) The Board may invite any other representatives to meetings of the Board as it deems appropriate. Such representatives will not be formal members of the Board and they shall not have a vote but may participate in the debate with the consent of the Chair.

e) The Health and Wellbeing Board is a committee of the County Council and unless specified below, meeting arrangements are subject to the Council's Procedural Standing Orders.

f) The Board will appoint the Vice Chair annually from amongst the voting membership.

g) The Board will meet at least four times a year. Additional meetings may be arranged by resolution of the Board or with the agreement of the Chair.

h) Meetings will be at County Hall, Preston, unless otherwise agreed by the Board. Decisions will be made by consensus where possible, or when appropriate by a majority vote.

i) In the event of a tied vote, the Chair has a second or casting vote.

j) Substitutes for Board members are permitted with written notification being given to the Clerk by the relevant nominating body in advance of the meeting.

k) Meetings of the Board are open to the public, but they may be excluded where information of an exempt or confidential nature is being discussed – see Access to Information Rules.

l) The Board cannot discharge the functions of any of the Partners.

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Terms of Reference

a) To achieve the purposes outlined above, the Health and Wellbeing Board will deliver the following key functions:

(i) Enable shared understanding – to lead the development of a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and ensure that it is informing the development of plans and priorities of the Board and its partners.

(ii) Develop a Health and Wellbeing Strategy – to agree a Health and Wellbeing Strategy and work in partnership with the system partners to support the delivery of this Strategy.

(iii) Provide System Leadership – to lead and direct the health and wellbeing system to ensure we continuously improve services and make the best use of resources that deliver better outcomes for people.

(iv) Seek Assurance – through monitoring and evaluation of the health and wellbeing strategy and where necessary provide appropriate and effective challenge.

(v) Accountability – to be able to demonstrate and evidence that the decisions of the Board, and their subsequent outcomes, are clearly focused on improving the health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities in Lancashire.

(vi) Commissioning – to enable collaboration between commissioners, joint commissioning and pooled budgets, where this provides better integrated service delivery and outcomes.

(vii) Engagement – to listen to and understand the needs of local people; to ensure there is effective dialogue and engagement with our communities, and joint working between the County Council, district councils, local NHS and with other key strategic partnerships via Safeguarding Boards, Children and Young People Partnerships, Community Safety Partnerships etc.

(viii) Integration – to promote integration and partnership working between the NHS, local government and the wider public, private, voluntary, community and faith sector.

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