Ormskirk School

Postal address Wigan Road
Lancashire L39 2AT
Telephone 01695 583040 
Headteacher Mrs L Gwinnett
Number on roll January 2023 1234
Admission number 2024/25 250

Information relating to autumn term 2023 year 7 admissions

Total parental preferences (considered equally)

1st 182
2nd 161
3rd 163
Total preferences received 506


Summary of policy

This is an academy – please contact the academy for full admission details. 

1)Looked after children and children who were previously looked after and ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a special guardianship order) including children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and legally adopted from overseas.

2) Children with proven and exceptional medical, special educational or social needs which are directly relevant to the school. The application must be supported by written specific appropriate professional advice (letter from doctor or social worker) as to why admission to the school is necessary. It is the responsibility of parents to show that it is essential for the child to attend the school rather than any other school.

3) Siblings of children who will be attending the school on the date when the applicant would be admitted. The term siblings include brother or sister, half brother or sister, step brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, foster brother or sister and other children living permanently at the same address. Only one address can be used for school admission purposes. This is defined by Trust Board as the home in which the child lives for most of the school week.

4) Any other applicants.


Where there are more applicants received than places available under any of the above criteria then the distance between the school and the home (as defined above in criterion 3) will be used as the final determining factor. The distance criterion is a straight line (radial) measured centre of building to centre of building. Where the cut-off point is for addresses within the same building, then the single measure between address points will apply and the Local Authority’s system of a random draw will determine which address(es) receive the offer(s) as an effective, clear and fair tie breaker. In the case of the point within school, this will be the main school office.



Definitions of the following terms are available and apply except where individual arrangements spell out a different definition.

  • Distance
  • Parents / family members
  • Medical/social/welfare
  • Looked after children and previously looked after children